Starting a conversation about safe and responsible computer usage can be challenging. Here are some great picture books we've added to the collection to help start the conversation with sensitivity and humor.
But It's Just A Game by Julia Cook.
"But Mom, it's just a game."Jasper is totally obsessed with playing video games...
"With my game controller in my hands, I'm the boss of my whole world! I can be who I want and do as I please. I can get the highest score. I get all the chances that I need. If I make a mistake it's ok. Everyone thinks I'm 'it on a stick!' And the bad stuff all goes away."
How can kids and adults switch out their game controller for a "life controller" and a balanced life style?
hello! hello! by Matt Cordell.
Outside the world is bright and colorful, but Lydia's family is too busy with their gadgets to notice. She says Hello to everyone. Hello? Hello! Her father says hello while texting, her mother says hello while working on her laptop and her brother doesn't say hello at all. The T.V shouts Hello! But she doesn't want to watch any shows. Lydia, now restless, ventures outside. There are so many things to say hello to! Hello rocks! Hello leaves! Hello flowers! When Lydia comes back home she decides to show her family what she has found, and it's hello world and goodbye gadgets!
Tek: The Modern Cave Boy by Patrick McDonnell.
Tek is a cave boy in love with tech: his tablet, games, phone, and TV keep him deep in his cave, glued to his devices. Outside, the real world was evolving, but all Tek could say is "ugh." Then came "the big bang" from Big Poppa the volcano. Tek crashed. When he landed, he had discover the world without any devices--"sweet."
Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds.
Nerdy Birdy loves video games, Vulture finds them BORING. Vulture loves snacking on dead things, Nerdy Birdy finds that GROSS. One day, Nerdy Birdy joins Tweetster, and the friend requests start flying in. Vulture watches as Nerdy Birdy gets swept up in his new friendships, but when she finally gets angry, Nerdy Birdy knows just what to do to make things right.
Troll Stinks by Jeanne Willis.
Billy Goat and his best friend Cyril are messing about with the farmer's mobile phone, taking selfies and playing games . . . until they find the number for a troll. Their Grandpa Gruff says trolls are bad, so Billy and Cyril decide to get their own back by sending mean messages. After all, trolls really do stink! Don't they?
Doug Unplugged by Dan Yaccarino.
Doug is a robot. His parents want him to be smart, so each morning they plug him in and start the information download. After a morning spent learning facts about the city, Doug suspects he could learn even more about the city by going outside and exploring it. And so Doug . . . unplugs. What follows is an exciting day of adventure and discovery. Doug learns amazing things by doing and seeing and touching and listening—and above all, by interacting with a new friend.Want to put one on hold today? Click here to log in to your school library. Click here to check the Portage District Library.