Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lego Instructions for the Visually-Impaired

I've been a librarian long enough to remember life before the Internet. In fact I remember the very first internet-connected device I had in one of my schools.....the very first story I received was the news that Dr. Seuss had died in the Fall of 1991. Before the Internet, librarians spent a lot of time clipping and filing newspaper and magazine articles and pamphlets and other small materials by subject that we knew might be of interest to someone in the future in folders stored in alphabetically arranged drawers called a Vertical File. Now Google and the Internet perform the same task. So occasionally I'll drop in a link to a story that might be of interest to someone, that you might have
missed like this.

A Blind Man Fulfills Mission To Make Legos Accessible For Visually Impaired

August 31, 2019 5:17 PM ET
Heard on All Things Considered