Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Book a Day: Framed!

Framed! by James Ponti.

At 12 years old Florian notices things other people miss. He even has a name for his system (which you can try for yourself): TOAST, which stands for the Theory of All Small Things. He uses it solve life's little mysteries, such as where to sit on the first day of school, or which Chinese restaurant has the best egg rolls. His parents move a lot for work; his mom is an art historian specializing in French Impressionist paintings and his dad is a world reknowned museum security expert. So Florian just happens to be behind the scenes when a heist at National Gallery in Washington, DC is discovered. Before he can stop himself, he shares his TOAST observations of a possible suspect with an FBI agent. FBI agent Rivers recognizes Florian's talent and invites him to consult on the case. Detective Rivers begins training Florian and gives him a secret identity-- Johan Blankvort.... will it be enough to protect him from EEL, the East European League of art thieves?

To take a virtual tour of the real National Gallery, click here.

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