Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Nuts to You by Lynne Rae Perkins


For some reason, I'm being drawn to books about squirrels this Fall. In this book, that I somehow missed when it first came out, two squirrel friends TsTs and Chai witness a horrible thing: their friend Jed is carried away by a hawk and then mysteriously dropped from the sky. But some squirrels aren't as silly as you might think. TsTs knows where Jed is. She saw him fall "just past the unnatural shape." Which unnatural shape? Above the trees in their grove there are three "unnatural shapes": the "silver egg" (a water tower?), the "tall frozen spiderweb" (an electrical tower), and "the great beak that sometimes sings but never opens" (a church Steeple). "The spiderweb," TsTs reports to Chai, "but not the closest one, the one after that." And so two brave squirrels set out to follow the "buzzpath" (the electrical wires) to rescue their friend. And normally I'd leave the story there for you to read for yourself, but when TsTs and Chai miraculously do find Jed, an even greater adventure begins. Humans are using chain saws to thin the forest around the "buzzpath" and the three friends plus an orphan red squirrel have no time to waste to get back the grove and warn their families to get out of the way of the destruction.

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